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Montenegro Government – Ministry of Health made update of measures for entry in the country on 10th of April 2021.

Entry from all countries

Montenegrin citizens, foreign citizens and residents traveling from all countries, excluding neighbor countries, can enter the country with any of below listed tests or certificate:

  1. Negative PCR test for COVID-19 (from registered laboratory), which is not older than 72 hours at the moment of entering Montenegro,
  2. Positive IgG Antibody test COVID-19 (from registered laboratory), which is not older than 30 days at moment of entering Montenegro,
  3. Vaccination COVID-19 Certificate (issued from registered health institution), where the second dose of vaccination was taken 7 days before entering Montenegro

*Conditions for entry do not apply to children up to the age of five.

Entry from neighbor countries

Montenegrin citizens, neighbor countries citizens, foreigners holding resident permit or sojourn (last 15 days) in neighbor countries traveling from neighbor countries listed below are exempted from above condition for entry:

Bosnia and Hercegovina,

The Health Warning

It is required to strictly follow measures stated by Institute of Public Health: If you notice symptoms of a respiratory infection (fever, sneezing, cough, runny nose, difficult breathing or other):
• put a mask on your mouth and nose;
• increase hand hygiene (wash your hands with worm water and soap frequently);
• avoid contacts with other persons;
• use a tissue when sneezing or coughing;
• make a phone call to responsible epidemiological service responsible for the territory of your residence (the list is provided at Health Warning document from Public Health Institute of Montenegro).

The Health Warning document is available at all border crossings in Montenegro and it is published on the website of the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro. The epidemiologist will give you instructions for further procedures.

Ports / Marinas

Ports and marinas are open for international maritime traffic.

Yachts and passenger vessels arrivals and cruising are allowed.
Crew and passengers from yachts and passenger vessels complying with entry regulations are allowed shore leave.


Yacht can transit the country for fuel supply by appointing an agent and making minimum physical contact at the port of call, regardless of country from which yacht is arriving from and regardless of crew/guest citizenship and resident permit.
During transit and fueling process shore leave is allowed only for crew/guests from yachts complying with entry regulations.

In accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, restrictions are not applied to travelers with an essential function or need to transit.

Testing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) / Vaccination

Testing is available at accredited laboratories nearby to most of ports and marinas in Montenegro.
Vaccination is performed in all cities at public health institutions for population 65 years and older. Seafarers are included in a priority group for vaccination against Covid-19.

Test/Vaccination prices:
PCR – 80 EUR
RAT – 25 EUR
IgG  – 18 EUR
Vaccination: free of charge


Curfew is in force each night from 22.00h until 05.00h.
Intercity traffic is banned during weekend days, except for certain purposes.

Retail stores, shopping centers, beauty and hairdressing salons are open.
Bars, restaurants and hospitality businesses are open.

Obligation of wearing protective face masks covering nose and mouth, in closed and open space, including children older than five years is in force.


We kindly ask you to follow these instructions completely.

These measures are in force until 16th of April 2021.


Sources: Montenegro Ministry of Health, Institute of Public Health and Maritime Safety Administration.